
Suppliers: Local artisanal miners

Vasco Gold covers the full scope of the mining procurement life cycle, with more than 85% of all purchases occurring in the local region, from local artisanal miners.

Vasco Gold procurement procedures are intended to have broad application across the company and apply to the procurement function as well as individual businesses in the acquisition of goods and/or services.

We have great relationships with our suppliers and value companies with the following qualities:

  • Excellent safety record
  • Cost efficiency
  • Financial viability
  • Competitive pricing
  • Customer focus
  • Innovative business solutions
  • 24-hour technical support

All companies we work with must adhere to the Vasco Gold procurement principles and operate under our specific trading terms and conditions. Vasco Gold procurement procedures have been written to ensure all procurement-related activities are conducted with transparency and are understood by all key stakeholders.

Vasco Gold procurement procedures cover the full scope of the procurement cycle including:

  • Obtaining global and local sources of supply and initiating requests for goods and services
  • Obtaining quotations covering pricing and availability from suppliers
  • Placing orders for goods or services
  • Authorizing payments to suppliers.

Vasco Gold procurement procedures address the following areas:

  • The role of the Procurement function within Vasco Gold and the way we want to operate
  • The expectations and commitments between Procurement and its internal customers
  • The expectations between Procurement and suppliers
  • Vasco Gold’s expectations of its own employees and contractors.